What a data base? A data base (its abbreviation is data base, in English dB, database) is an entity in which it is possible to store data in a structured way and with less possible redundancy. These data must be able to be used by programs, by different users. Thus, the basic concept of data is generally coupled with that of network, in order to be able to share this information, from where the basic name. One generally speaks about information system to indicate all the structure gathering the means set up to be able to share data.

Utility of a data base?
A data base makes it possible to place data at the disposal of users for a consultation, a seizure or an update, while being ensured of the rights granted to the latter. That is all the more useful as the data-processing data are increasingly numerous.

A data base can be local, i.e. usable on a machine by a user, or distributed, i.e. information is stored on machines distant and accessible by network.

The major advantage of the use of data bases is the possibility simultaneously of being able to be reached by several users.

Bisnet can help you to integrate your data in the most usual Data bases: Microsoft Access, Visual Fox Pro, Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle.

BisNet is a also specialist in Datawarehouse and its experts will have a pleasure of guiding in your choices of technology



6 to 12 december, 2005
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