What does one hear by Web site? It is a whole of accessible pages since a web browser.

Is this useful? Yes, completely because it is your image on the new media of communication, just like your advertising plates are it on other media of communication.

Very undertaken must, nowadays, have an Internet site even if it comprises only one page. Because it is a bench mark for your customer. It can at least comprise a description of your company and your co-ordinates. And to the maximum, it can be a platform of exchange between your partners or suppliers, to be a platform of E-trade or to even be used as internal management tool for your employees.

BisNet can help you to reach these new media of communication by defining your strategy and by setting up it. With our knowledge and our know-how, we will be able to create together with you, your Internet site which corresponds to your needs and which shows the dynamism of your company.

We have also solutions of:
Management of contents (MC): To publish and update easily your Internet site in a convivial way,

E-trade: To put your catalogue of products on Internet and to sell your products.


Special: Design of Web site
We offer an opening to you on the world thanks to your own Web site.
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