Bisnet can manage more the share of your projects by carrying out audits.

The data-processing audits are rather badly known. As many the majority collaborators include/understand the financial audits and this with what that corresponds, as much they have difficulties in imagine it with what one to that data processing consists: they imagine often simply that the data-processing Audit consists in looking at if the office automation stations have enough memory and if the printers function well!

What one to that?
The data-processing audit corresponds to an in-depth study on a point given of an information system (in the broad sense), or of a data-processing Direction. This study answers a precise question put by the applicant of the mission, which can be data-processing Management it even or its head office in case of doubt about the performances of its data processing specialists. These questions can be for example:

- which is the performance of the business data processing chain,
- which is the adequacy of average the data processing implemented,
- the data security of the company is it guaranteed,
- which is the quality of the service rendered by data processing within the company,
- how much really my data processing costs (operating burnup - Total Cost Ownership, end so for...)
- and so for...

One To that the EC is above all the oral discussions with the principal actors concerned. That can be also data-processing tests: analyses of coherence of the data managed by the systems, tests of safety, and so for...

It is especially a detailed analysis of the information collected, and a deep reflexion on the most relevant recommendations which one can make to improve the identified negative points.

With what that is used?
The Audit is an excellent manner of taking retreat on existing: on a project in particular, or a data-processing Direction in general. Coming from outside, the team of Audit brings a new eye on the situation and can bring relevant recommendations.

These recommendations must be realistic as much in their implementation that in their relevance. The true question is to know what it is necessary to do as well as possible and with more optimized (in terms of cost, impact, workloads) to improve existing it.

The Audit is also a means of putting forward anomalies and dysfunctions. Beyond the punitive aspect, this alarm aims especially to start correct actions in order to correct these dysfunctions as soon as possible.

In short, so certain missions are some time of the missions "blows of balls" intended to make jump a Data-processing Direction, the majority of the missions are missions of assistance and councils.

Who makes Audits?
The greatest groups generally have their own team of data-processing Listeners: their mission is to answer at the requests of the subsidiary companies or the head office and to leave on mission to France or abroad.

In this case, the Listeners must imperatively be disconnected from Data-processing Management: one cannot be indeed judges and left! In a great known enough group, the Management of data processing had announced to me proudly that it was going to set up a team of listeners. Ca completely deafened me! Can one imagine that these listeners, clean collaborator of this Director, can one outward journey day explain to the Directorate-General that such or such information system was not developed in the code of practice? Absurdity... They will be inevitably partial and thus noncredible!

When no Listener is available in-house, the companies can call upon large cabinets of councils. Alas, all the cabinets are not worth and the results of the studies are often disappointing.


6 to 12 december, 2005
Bisnet had participate to Promote 2005 business forum in Yaounde town (Cameroon)
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